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2018-10-22 121

Newborn Breastfeeding Tips

Wondering how long to breastfeed, how often, and on which breast? Check out these newborn nursing pointers.

If you're a new nursing mama, you probably have a million questions running through your mind, such as how long to breastfeed, how to know when Baby is done breastfeeding, and how often to nurse. Don't panic! These quick newborn nursing tips will put you on the right track.

How often should I breastfeed?

Offer your breast whenever Baby seems hungry or cries. This might be every two hours, or even more often in the first few weeks (Baby's tummy is very tiny at birth). If a newborn is sleeping as long as four hours, and she's younger than 6 weeks old, wake her up to feed.

She needs to eat or she'll get into a bad cycle, meaning she'll get so hungry that she's exhausted, and so exhausted that she can't wake to ask for food.

How long should nursing sessions last?

Many new mothers may be wondering how long to breastfeed, and the answer varies. Some babies drink quickly and are done in 10 or 15 minutes. Others doze off in the middle of breastfeeding and need to be roused, extending mealtime to 40 minutes.

But breastfeeding less than 10 minutes or more than 40 minutes indicates a problem; check for signs that Baby is actually getting milk, such as sucking movements and wet diapers.

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Which breast should I use?

It's fine to do one breast at one meal, and the other at the next. However, if your baby drains one side and is still hungry, move to the other breast. Just continue to alter the "starting" breast from meal to meal.

The reason: Breast milk changes in composition as your baby drinks, being more liquid at first (the foremilk) and more fatty at the end (the hindmilk). Ideally, by draining at least one breast per feeding, Baby gets both kinds of milk, which is optimal for brain development.

How do you know when Baby is done nursing?

A baby will unlatch naturally when she's finished breastfeeding. You shouldn't ever have to take your baby off your breast. Whether she falls asleep or just pulls away, she'll know when to unlatch when she's ready.

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